Briefing Publications

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Title Date Type Files Related Topics

Genetically Engineered American Chestnut:

Discussion of the performance limitations of Darling 58/54

Ricarda A. Steinbrecher, PhD

(11 pages)

EcoNexus publication
Aug 2024 Briefing

Genetic Engineering in Plants and the “New Breeding Techniques (NBTs)”

Inherent risks and the need to regulate

Dr. Ricarda A. Steinbrecher

(10 pages)

Dec 2015 Briefing

Bioenergy Out: Why bioenergy should not be included in the next EU Renewable Energy Directive

NOAH (Friends of the Earth Denmark), Biofuelwatch, Econexus, Global Forest Coalition, World Rainforest Movement, Rettet den Regenwald e.V., and Corporate Europe Observatory

(10 pages)

Aug 2015 Briefing

Are we continuing to fuel Biodiversity Loss?

Biofuels, Bioenergy, Biochar and the Technologies of the new Bioeconomy

CBD Alliance

(2 pages)

Mar 2012 Briefing

Engineered to fail?

Climate-related Geoengineering

CBD Alliance

(2 pages)

Mar 2012 Briefing

El sueño del mercado de carbono: millones de créditos de carbonos por sumideros basados en el uso de la tierra

Econexus y Biofuelwatch

(3 pages)

Informe para las negociaciones sobre el clima, Cancun, Noviembre 2010
Nov 2010 Briefing

The carbon market dream: millions of offsets from land-use “sinks”

Econexus and Biofuelwatch

(3 pages)

Briefing for Cancun Climate Negotiations
Nov 2010 Briefing

Carbon markets – A distraction from the real priority: immediate emission reductions

Helena Paul

(4 pages)

Nov 2010 Briefing

Agriculture and soils in carbon trading

Prepared by Jonathan Ensor (Practical Action), Almuth Ernsting (Biofuelwatch), Susanne Gura (EcoNexus) & Helena Paul (EcoNexus)

(2 pages)

Dec 2009 Briefing

Why 'marginal' land does not solve the biofuel problems

by Helena Paul

(1 page)

Aug 2008 Briefing

Agrofuels and the Myth of the Marginal Lands

by the African Biodiversity Network, Biofuelwatch, EcoNexus, the Gaia Foundation, Salva La Selva and Watch Indonesia

(8 pages)

Aug 2008 Briefing

Briefing Paper on Transgenic Trees

Implications for Human Health, Biodiversity and Biosafety

Joint briefing paper issued by: Global Justice Ecology Project, EcoNexus, Friends of the Earth International, Global Forest Forum and World Rainforest Movement

(2 pages)

Prepared for CBD COP8 (available in English, Spanish and Portugese)
Mar 2006 Briefing

Genetically Engineered Trees: No Solution to Global Warming

UN COP-8 Briefing No. 2

Published by EcoNexus & Global Justice Ecology Project

(2 pages)

Prepared for CBD COP8 (available in English, Spanish and Portugese)
Mar 2006 Briefing

Who’s in Charge?

Daniel Bennett with Helena Paul

(6 pages)

For Programme on Corporations, Law and Democracy - Guest Paper - Original paper from 1998
Aug 2004 Briefing

Argentina and GM soya

The Cost of Complying with US Pressure

by Helena Paul and Ricarda Steinbrecher

(2 pages)

Excerpt from Hungry Corporations - transnational biotech companies colonize the food chain
Sep 2003 Briefing

Golden Rice, Patents and Vitamin A Deficiency

by Helena Paul and Ricarda Steinbrecher

(4 pages)

Excerpt from Hungry Corporations - transnational biotech companies colonize the food chain
Sep 2003 Briefing

The CaMV 35S Promoter

Government and Corporate Scientific Incompetence:
Failure to assess the safety of GM crops

by Ricarda A. Steinbrecher

(2 pages)

Dec 2002 Briefing

Patenting Genes

Stifling Research and Jeopardising Healthcare

joint EcoNexus/ GeneWatch publication

(4 pages)

Mar 2001 Briefing

Genetic Dialectic

The Biological Politics of Genetically Modified Trees

by Viola Sampson and Larry Lohmann

(12 pages)

joint Cornerhouse / EcoNexus publication
Dec 2000 Briefing