GE trees


Related Publications

Title Date Type Files Related Topics

Genetically Engineered American Chestnut:

Discussion of the performance limitations of Darling 58/54

Ricarda A. Steinbrecher, PhD

(11 pages)

EcoNexus publication
Aug 2024 Briefing

Genetically Engineered Trees & Risk Assessment

An overview of risk assessment and risk management issues

by Ricarda A. Steinbrecher and Antje Lorch

(30 pages)

Published by the Federation of German Scientists. Presented at CBD COP9 negotiations on GE trees
Apr 2008 Report

Potential Ecological and Social Impacts of Genetically Engineered Trees

Commentary on the official background paper by the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) entitled “The Potential Environmental, Cultural and Socio-Economic Impacts of Genetically Modified Trees” (UNEP/CBD/SBSTTA/13/INF/6)

Co-published by 10 organisations: Canadian Biotechnology Action Network, EcoNexus, Ecoropa, Friends of Siberian Forest, Global Forest Coalition, Global Justice Ecology Project, PIPEC (Pacific Indigenous Peoples Environment Coalition), Stop GE Tree Campaign, Timberwatch Coalition, World Rainforest Movement.

(7 pages)

Prepared for CBD SBSTTA 13 Meeting, Rome, Italy, 18-22 February, 2008
Feb 2008 Technical Briefing

Briefing Paper on Transgenic Trees

Implications for Human Health, Biodiversity and Biosafety

Joint briefing paper issued by: Global Justice Ecology Project, EcoNexus, Friends of the Earth International, Global Forest Forum and World Rainforest Movement

(2 pages)

Prepared for CBD COP8 (available in English, Spanish and Portugese)
Mar 2006 Briefing

Genetically Engineered Trees: No Solution to Global Warming

UN COP-8 Briefing No. 2

Published by EcoNexus & Global Justice Ecology Project

(2 pages)

Prepared for CBD COP8 (available in English, Spanish and Portugese)
Mar 2006 Briefing

Genetically Engineered Trees and their Risks

To be published Thursday 28 November 2023

Dr. Ricarda Steinbrecher

Nov 2023 Report

Genetic Dialectic

The Biological Politics of Genetically Modified Trees

by Viola Sampson and Larry Lohmann

(12 pages)

joint Cornerhouse / EcoNexus publication
Dec 2000 Briefing